Underneath the stars .
Alone, I wait .

hi there! and weLcome tO mY liFe.
Life, that's what makes up blogs, doesn't it?
i'm goning to skip all the bullshit and come to the point.
u're most weLcome tO share mY liFe, my experiences with me.
please just respect my point of view and judgement.
aferall, that's the least we can offer as human beings.
before i end, i would like to share this qoute with you all.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

enjoy... =p



His name is AKM.
He first cried on 26NOV88.
He is studying at
Ngee Ann Polytechnic; Electrical Engineering.
He is outgoing, yet he observes.
He is cool, yet he thinks.
He is lazy, yet he analyses.
He is crude, yet he cares.
He is silent, yet he impacts.
Now, that's him.
baby dear


what i want? it is something hard for me to say. i already have everything i ever wanted.

my own TV. my own DVD. my own LAPTOP. my own PHONE. my own MOBILE. my own iPOD. my own ROOM. my own BIKE. my own BANKER(dad).

what else can a 'simple' guy like me wish for?
maybe, a little more friends.



CK. FateeN. JoeY. SpenceR. KakaK. Li FanG. QuraishA. CahayA. FarhanA. Ming ShI. ShikiN. AqilaH. AmbeR. JackY. BryaN. JoeybflY. ShazwiN. AugustinE. FarhaN. FaraH. Xiao WeI. GabrieL. 6.1'02-CpS.


July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009


Google Video.

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License information;

ALL publications are property of
(cc) AKM Inc.
SOME rights reserved.
Creative Commons License
..pieceS oF mY brokeN hearT.. by AKM Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.


NP soe


Friday, February 27, 2009
2:11 AM

i wasn't going to update today actually. why? haha! well, i am having my Electrical Technology Exam tomorrow at 2. But i came across something so interesting that i couldn't keep myself from sharing it with you guys! nothing really that special, just a simple quote. one that really got me thinking. it just struck me to reflect on myself and my doings. what kind of a son had i been?

"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant, I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."
by Mark Twain

well.. i better get back to my revision now. will update more on this quote in my next post. cheers!

Friday, February 20, 2009
1:37 AM

i have been missing-in-action for sometime now. why? no particular reason actually. i was spending some time revising for my exams and also "thinking" about my future. what exactly about my future? well, i would say about money. yes, that's what makes the world go round, doesn't it? so there i was thinking, how can make money right now, without working (obviously)? and something interesting came to mind. i have started reading the news paper lately and noticed the 'exchange rate' column. so i told myself, why not make some money trading US dollar. i know it sounds easy, but there's more to it than meets the eyes. i would need a certain capital to start off with. and in times of such recession, i can't just hop to dad and ask for a few K right? so what can be the next best solution? get the money myself, of course! i think i need to start saving. wonder how long it'll take me to get the money. anyone interesting in investing??? :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009
12:31 PM

yo. before i begin, a happy Valentine's day to all the love-birds out there. i am happy for you people, and yet green with envy. why? i think it's because i'm spending a lonesome valentine's day. i have been sitting in my room all morning watching movies on my laptop. can i person get lonelier than that? i think NOT. yesterday was the last day of school-till my exams. so yea, no celebrations either. more of mourning about the fact: how badly we will do for the exams. sigh. suddenly it seems that life is filled with failures. an infinite quantity of it! dam! need to go to the bike shop later to get new srokets, chain and break pads. what a pathetic way to spend Valentine's day. only me and me bike. (*laughing at myself*). guesse today will be just like my birthday, i will give MYSELF a little treat, pretending it was from someone "special". yea i know exactly what you people are going to say. "WHAT A LOSER!" all i can say is that, that's life, my friends. a sad and lonely life.

lost admist a concrete jungle

Thursday, February 12, 2009
8:55 PM

where should i begin today? what will i convey? where would i end? are we really whom we portray to be? i guess i'm losing touch with reality. or maybe i'm in serious need of motivation! i think i need to talk to someone. anyone! i myself know that i am NOT weak. yet i feel that i need help. i have goals, dreams, plans. but somehow everything seems to drifting away from me! WHY?? why am i not GOOD enough, sometimes i question myself. i once heard of a saying: "only under tremendous heat and pressure, can coal turn to diamond!" but we seem to miss out on the fact that the diamond would still require to be polished! am i like a piece of coal?? i wonder. i am not usually this confused. but today, i'm LOST for words. i feel like a boat without a radar. floating on the vast ocean, without a destination. i feel so stranded. why has LIFE abandoned me?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
8:44 PM

hello! 14th Feb coming soon huh? have you guys prepared your chocolates and roses?? NO? haha. don't worry, you still have some. lol. Taking about Valentine's Day, i don't what I'm going do as well. hmm. Any suggestions?? :D

Man, life turning into a weird experience for me! went to POLY today and got the shock of my life! the classroom was all dark with no one inside. first i thought i had gone to the wrong class. so i double-checked the level and class number. Nope! it was the right level and classroom. then a thought of being in the wrong BLOCK altogether, crossed my mind. HAHA! so took the lift down to check if i had come to "right" block. and YES! everything was right. the only thing wrong with the situation was that my entire class and my lecturer was missing. LOL! oops! :P i think i forgot to mention the fact that i was 1hr 30mins late for my lessons. HAHAHAHA!!

NO, this is not a BOMB!! hahaha.. just my EEPS project,
an Alarm Clock

Saturday, February 7, 2009
4:05 AM

hello there! finally i'm back after SO long. have not really been up to much, just too tired to update. my LIFE still rather stagnant, if i were to describe it. i guesse that's what being in POLY is about huh. nothing like what my "seniors" had described poly-life to be. so if you recently graduated from secondary school and feel JC is too stressful, and you should go to poly instead, U'RE WRONG my friend!! very very wrong.

oh well, as for me, i guessed poly has changed me a little too. made me a little more studious i guesse. HAHA. seriously, i'm not kidding! wanna take a look at the new me? :) here--->

yeap2! dat's the new me. LOL! Now let me update you guys a little MORE on my poly life. IF you people still think that going to POLY is fun, then you people fully don't understand me yet. so far i have 1 friend who transferred to Serangoon JC, 2 friends withdrew to go NS, 1 friend transferred to ITE-Bishan, 1 friend appealing to Republic poly and a few other waiting to go SIM. if poly life was really as easy n "fun" as you have thought to be, students wouldn't do that, would they? I'll leave you guys to decide for yourselves. lols.

dam!! exams are coming up in just a few weeks time!! STRESSED!! don't if i can clear my Engineering Mathematics 2 this semester not?!?! wish me luck people!! I'm gonna need it!!!

with Love, AKM

Friday, November 28, 2008
1:37 AM

Where should i begin today? I'm lost for words, i think. 2 days ago, on the 26th, it was a birthday and i turned 20. But unfortunately it did not turn out to be a "Happy" Birthday. Why? Maybe because my whole family & my friends just happen to forget that it was my Birthday. Okay, maybe its excusable for my friends to forget, but how can my OWN family not remember?? Initially i thought maybe, you know, they were planning to surprise me or something, but NO! They fucking forgot my birthday!! :( rather sad isn't it? But guess that's LIFE. We don't always have things turn out the way we want it. So yea, after waiting the whole day i decided to abandon the idea of of 'surprise' from my family and decided to give myself a treat. At least i could celebrate it MYSELF even though no one else remembered the day i was born. So dissappointed, headed to McDonald's and got myself a McChicken, a Double-cheese burger, some fries and a sprite. That's the only treat i got for my 20th birthday this year. Pathetic!!