Underneath the stars .
Alone, I wait .

hi there! and weLcome tO mY liFe.
Life, that's what makes up blogs, doesn't it?
i'm goning to skip all the bullshit and come to the point.
u're most weLcome tO share mY liFe, my experiences with me.
please just respect my point of view and judgement.
aferall, that's the least we can offer as human beings.
before i end, i would like to share this qoute with you all.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

enjoy... =p



His name is AKM.
He first cried on 26NOV88.
He is studying at
Ngee Ann Polytechnic; Electrical Engineering.
He is outgoing, yet he observes.
He is cool, yet he thinks.
He is lazy, yet he analyses.
He is crude, yet he cares.
He is silent, yet he impacts.
Now, that's him.
baby dear


what i want? it is something hard for me to say. i already have everything i ever wanted.

my own TV. my own DVD. my own LAPTOP. my own PHONE. my own MOBILE. my own iPOD. my own ROOM. my own BIKE. my own BANKER(dad).

what else can a 'simple' guy like me wish for?
maybe, a little more friends.



CK. FateeN. JoeY. SpenceR. KakaK. Li FanG. QuraishA. CahayA. FarhanA. Ming ShI. ShikiN. AqilaH. AmbeR. JackY. BryaN. JoeybflY. ShazwiN. AugustinE. FarhaN. FaraH. Xiao WeI. GabrieL. 6.1'02-CpS.


July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009


Google Video.

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License information;

ALL publications are property of
(cc) AKM Inc.
SOME rights reserved.
Creative Commons License
..pieceS oF mY brokeN hearT.. by AKM Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.


NP soe


Friday, October 24, 2008
1:10 PM

hi people! so so so sorry for the lack of updates! it's just that I've simply too busy with my poly life. this new semester is such a buzz! i barely have time for myself. but nonetheless i guess somethings happen for the better. after i failed two modules in my first semester, i finally seemed to have awaken up. :) yes! i feel that i can concentrate much better now. and the lecturers too have a major part to play in it. all of us "failures" got the module leaders as our lecturers. which means we are being taught by the best in ngee ann poly. like finally! lols. but one of the thing that's bothering me is my time table. it SUCKS big time!! almost everyday i start at 9 and finish at 5 in the afternoon!! :( with 2 to 3 hrs break in between. dam! first semester i felt the schedule was too tight and now. dam!!! i got break till i want to commit suicide!! lols. :P here's a peak into my life now..

welcome to the hussle and bustle of POLY life..

want to eat but NO place to sit arh..

it not as easy as it looks like.. :/ trust me..

Monday, October 13, 2008
3:35 AM

i wasn't really going to update my blog till the first day of school but a 'friend' of mine, Cahaya, asked to to answer some questions.. hahaha! so yea.. here i go.. lols..

RULE #1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who have been tagged can't refuse (exactly why i am doing this. haha!) these people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag back the same person. continue to play this game by tagging other people.

1.Do you have a secret?
yesh. but it's a SECRET! so i won't tell. haha!

2. Would you fall in love with a girl older than you?
why not? they are more "experienced"! hahaha!

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
Yes i do.

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
i would invest the money and let it 'work' for me.

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
wouldn't it feel more like INCEST?? hahaha.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
loving someone.

7. Which would you prioritise first friendship or relationship?

8. If the person you like secretly is attached, what would you do?
be happy for her. (sometimes try to phsyco her to break up. :P)

9. is there anything that has made you extremely happy?

10. Do you have any regrets?
Nope. life is about making mistakes and learning from them.

11. How do you think you have been the past 5yrs?
Bad boy turned good! :)

12. What kind of a person do you think the person tagged you is?
nice? hahaha! i don't know her well yet.

13. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
hmm.. married but I'll take money from my dad.. hahaha!

14. Who are the most important people to you?
my dad. my mom. my bro. and baby dear. in short my FAMILY!

15. What is your favourite colour?

16. Would you give all in a relationship?

17. If you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
NOT both that's for sure! lols.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done to you?
hmm.. I'll forgive but never FORGET!

19. Do you prefer being single or in a relationship?
In a relationship, i guess.

20. 5 people i have tagged.

Friday, October 3, 2008
11:20 PM

hello everyone! a little late greeting from me to all you Muslims out there, and the rest, who are simple enjoying the holidays! :) so i couldn't update my blog on Hari Raya itself as i was simply too busy!! busy with what? oh well, my chores included cleaning up the house and COOKING for all the guest. there's officially nothing more tiring then cooking, trust me on this one. guess I'll just have to learn to live with it, since my parents decided not to give birth to a sister! hump.. furthermore my dad decided to invite over so many of his friends despite the "lack of labour" in the house. are your taste buds tingling to know what i cooked? just in a minute! hahaha! before that i would like to take this chance to express my sincerest apologies to everyone and "thing" i have wrong knowingly and unknowingly. "I AM REALLY SORRY OKAY..." finally, there you go.. :D

P/S: can someone please teach me how to make pineapple tarts???